May 1, 2024 R3 Coaching Team

Protein, the unsung hero of our diets, doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. It’s like the dependable sidekick in a buddy cop movie – always there, quietly doing its job, while carbs and fats hog the limelight. But let’s give protein its due credit, shall we? Here are eight rib-tickling reasons why protein is the real MVP of the macro-nutrient world. The Muscle Maestro Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room – muscles. Yes, protein is the rock-star when it comes to muscle growth and repair. It’s like the construction worker of your body, tirelessly building and repairing…

May 1, 2024 R3 Coaching Team

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts! Coach here, ready to dive into a topic that’s often overlooked but absolutely essential for your fitness journey: SLEEP. That’s right, folks, it’s time to talk about the unsung hero of health and performance. So, grab your favorite protein shake and cozy up because we’re about to explore why catching those Z’s is the secret sauce to crushing your fitness goals. Let’s start with the basics: sleep isn’t just downtime for your body; it’s prime time for repair, recovery, and growth. Think of it as the ultimate power-up that sets the stage for everything you do…