February 27, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Knee valgus can be a common reason for annoying pain. Knee pain can be a big hindrance for the athlete or weekend warrior and is something that can be annoyingly common in the fitness world. One thing we tend to see at R3 Fitness is a knee valgus which is where the knees collapse inward towards the midline of the body, or “knock knees”. This collapse puts a strain on the alignment of the lower body and can cause a myriad of issues such as: meniscus tearing, ligament damage, arthritis and patellar knee tracking as well as causing a host…

February 21, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Core training is a pivotal part of any training program, and can be beneficial to anybody no matter what their personal fitness goals may be.  Many of us know the importance of core training and make attempts to train it on a regular basis which is awesome, but the one thing I notice is the lack of variety.  I find many people stick to the basic planks, side planks, leg raises, and different variation of crunches.  While these are not necessarily bad exercises, after a while they will either become easy or very repetitive and boring.  Today I am going…

February 15, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

4 Metabolism Myths-Busted! Your metabolism can work against you even when you think you’re doing everything right. It’s time you took a good, hard look at how your metabolism really works. Check out the metabolism myths below and then use your new knowledge to put your metabolism to work… Myth 1: Metabolism Only works during the day like a 8am-4pm job. Your body’s metabolism does not stop working when you do. In fact, your metabolism works all day, every day. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t even have the energy to get out of bed in order to read this article….