Exercises for the busy professional who never seems to have enough time
Figuring out a workout doesn’t have to be tough when you’re short on equipment and time or running around on the fly.
Being on the run for work or vacation doesn’t mean you have to stop your commitment to working out and staying in shape. You may not have the cable machines or dumbbells to have a savage workout that you’re used too, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t produce a top notch workout that actually works!
Here are some exercises you can perform with little to no equipment at all.
Walking Lunges (or stationary for the knee pain population)
This simple exercise can be used anywhere, especially in a nice body weight complex. Just make sure you don’t let your knees cave in during the exercise, keeping your knee in line of the toes as you perform the movement. Those with knee pain can keep it static for less pain.
For the ambitious, (avoid these if you currently experience knee issue at all) we can also progress into lunge jumps as seen here:
Everyone loves burpees 🙂
Kick the complex up a notch and throw in everyone’s favorite exercise: burpees! Simple and miserable, this is a nice addition to a nice movement complex.
Bodyweight Squat Jump Squat combo (or either separately)
Another heart pumping routine to add is a simple Bodyweight Squat Jump & Squat routine, (or add some weight for difficulty). This may be an easier option than the lunge jumps for some:
Double Leg Lowering (Add a Wall Press for better stability in the torso)
To get a nice core workout without using a lot of equipment, do a double leg lowering. This exercise allows you to train the abdominal area without cranking on the neck or tension on the lower back from an weak core. To increase the difficulty, try finding a nice wall to press into while doing a double leg lowering so you get some active core pressure when pushing! (To make this exercise easier, bend the knees and keep them at 90 degrees)
You can add to your traveling workout by including accessories that are compact to add a different routine on the run. TRX Straps, Val Slides and tension bands can input additional exercises while on the fly.
These exercises should add more variety to your beatings on top of your standard push ups and planks. Now traveling can’t be an excuse not to get a fun, killer workout!