February 15, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

4 Metabolism Myths-Busted! Your metabolism can work against you even when you think you’re doing everything right. It’s time you took a good, hard look at how your metabolism really works. Check out the metabolism myths below and then use your new knowledge to put your metabolism to work… Myth 1: Metabolism Only works during the day like a 8am-4pm job. Your body’s metabolism does not stop working when you do. In fact, your metabolism works all day, every day. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t even have the energy to get out of bed in order to read this article….

January 19, 2018 R3 Coaching Team

The 5 Do-Not-Eats 1, Processed Foods – Processed foods are loaded with preservatives, sodium, and other harmful ingredients. Sodium, for one, has been linked to hypertension. It is best to “buy fresh.” 2. Sugar and Sweeteners – Sugars and artificial sweeteners are added to lots of drinks and foods. See a so-called “healthy” yogurt in a 100 calorie pack? Read the label! Chances are it is so loaded with added sugar that it’s like eating a 100 calorie candy bar. TOTALLY EMPTY! As for artificial sweeteners, studies show that people who drink diet sodas with artificial sweeteners simply crave sugar…

August 25, 2017 R3 Coaching Team

  Looking to speed up your weight loss, here are 7 simple tips that can will leave you 7 lb lighter in just two weeks. drink water, drink water, drink water! Water is one of the best weapons in your battle to lose the pounds. If you increase your water consumption two six to eight glasses per day it will help flush out toxins that are impeding losing the weight you want to lose. Water help speed up digestion as well as other metabolic processes in your body if your body is running more efficiently you will burn more calories…