May 28, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Hey Everyone! Coach Tyler here letting you all know why it is important not to follow the same workout routine for long periods of time. A lot of people get stuck in the habit of finding a workout routine that works for them and then sticking with that plan for months at a time without switching up the way that they train. Although I am a huge fan of consistency and solidifying form on movements, there are many downfalls to staying in the same routine, and many upsides to switching it up. The main reason behind why switching up the…

May 13, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Hi everyone, coach Patrick here with the top 17 reasons to exercise that do not have anything to do with weight loss. I know summer is right around the corner and most of you have exciting places to go and things to do. But wait! Don’t forget about your workout. Again! Lots of people fall off the exercise wagon during summer months due to vacations, taking care of kids home for the summer months, and other warm weather distractions. I get it, I really do, but what about all the amazing perks that you’re missing out on? Just in case…

May 5, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Figuring out a workout doesn’t have to be tough when you’re short on equipment and time or running around on the fly. Being on the run for work or vacation doesn’t mean you have to stop your commitment to working out and staying in shape. You may not have the cable machines or dumbbells to have a savage workout that you’re used too, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t produce a top notch workout that actually works! Here are some exercises you can perform with little to no equipment at all. Walking Lunges (or stationary for the knee pain…

April 17, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Alright so today I am going to dive into an exercise that gets a lot of mixed reviews depending on who you are talking to, and that is the deadlift! The deadlift is a very common exercise that you may or may not have heard of before, and I am going to start this 2 part series explaining the truth about what a deadlift is and why we use it. The deadlift is an exercise that uses one of the most fundamental movement patterns which is the hip hinge. What I mean by fundamental movement pattern is that it is…

April 2, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Sooooo you’re working with a fitness coach, huh? Congratulations on taking that step towards bettering yourself! Of all the investments in the world, you know that your body should be towards the top of that list. Here at R3 Fitness we are committed to using the most effective methods to optimize your time with us in pursuit of your fitness goals. But what about the rest of your time? As we all know there are 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week, which = 168 hours per week to schedule time to workout, (some of that…

March 18, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

When it comes to strength training, there has been a long running debate on the topic of total body workouts versus body part splits. Here at R3 fitness, we are huge fans of total body workouts and strongly believe they are the most efficient and useful for our clients success. But before we dive into why total body workouts are superior, lets learn about the difference. Body Part Splits This method of training involves working a separate muscle group each day over the course of the week. A common split would look something like this: Monday – Chest  and triceps…

February 27, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Knee valgus can be a common reason for annoying pain. Knee pain can be a big hindrance for the athlete or weekend warrior and is something that can be annoyingly common in the fitness world. One thing we tend to see at R3 Fitness is a knee valgus which is where the knees collapse inward towards the midline of the body, or “knock knees”. This collapse puts a strain on the alignment of the lower body and can cause a myriad of issues such as: meniscus tearing, ligament damage, arthritis and patellar knee tracking as well as causing a host…

February 21, 2019 R3 Coaching Team

Core training is a pivotal part of any training program, and can be beneficial to anybody no matter what their personal fitness goals may be.  Many of us know the importance of core training and make attempts to train it on a regular basis which is awesome, but the one thing I notice is the lack of variety.  I find many people stick to the basic planks, side planks, leg raises, and different variation of crunches.  While these are not necessarily bad exercises, after a while they will either become easy or very repetitive and boring.  Today I am going…

November 20, 2017 R3 Coaching Team

Core Training is all the rage in the fitness industry. Unfortunately there is so much information out there that its almost impossible to know what is true and what is a complete waste of time. Common Misconceptions about the Core  One of the biggest misconceptions about the core is that planks and sit ups will take care of everything and that is all you need. this couldn’t be farther from the truth.    

August 23, 2017 R3 Coaching Team

RESISTANCE TRAINING IS CRITICAL FOR WEIGHT LOSS The importance of resistance training. Resistance training is necessary for improving overall Fitness. After age 25 you begin losing muscle unless you are working to build it. Beginning at age 25 people lose muscle naturally every decade. If you aren’t building muscle you are most likely losing it. Without resistance training your muscles will atrophy. BENEFITS OF RESISTANCE TRAINING Build muscles which will burn more calories Stops muscle loss and helps begin the rebuilding process creates 25% more after burn than aerobic exercise prevents the skinny fat look makes you a better all-around…